Monday, September 12, 2011

pg 117: 1-12a-f (9A2 - Due Fri 16/9) (9B2 Due - Tue 13/9)

pg 117: 1-12a-f (9A2 - Due Fri 16/9) (9B2 Due - Tue 13/9)
1. Name one federal and one state government department that fund and help with projects in small and regional towns.
• One federal fund is the Australian Government’s Department of Transport
• One State fund is the NSW Department

2. Name two government programs that Gulargambone has used to receive funding for various projects.
The two government programs that Gulargambone has used to receive funding include the Townlife Development Program and The Regional Partnerships program.

3. What is a rural transaction centre and why is it important?
It is a project that allows rural and remote communities to introduce new services, or group together existing services into one location: this assists with sustainable and increased services to the region.

4. What services does the GRTC offer?
The GRTC offers Giropost, Centrelink, Medicare, Internet access and the Reliance Credit Union along with the usual postal services and a small, but modern gift shop.

5. How have community groups responded to change in Gulargambone?
The community groups have responded in positive way. They have formed into community groups. These groups have lobbied government and non-government organisations for funding and assistance.

6. Give three examples of specific actions and strategies the Gulargambone Flying Ahead group has implemented in response to changes.
i. To increase the population and services that are available
ii. To improve the visual appearance of the town
iii. To promote Gulargambone

7. What was the purpose of the two eight two eight project?
The two eight two eight project involved the restoration of the former picture theatre into a vibrant and multifaceted community centre.

8. Outline some examples of active citizenship in the achievements that Gulargambone has made since 2000.
Some examples of the achievements include
• The opening of the Rural Transaction Centre and the first community-owned post office in Australia
• Lobbying for and receiving a new multi-purpose helath centre
• The purchase and renovation of the old picture theatre

9. Outline the role of the local government, Coonamble Shire Council, in the implementation of the Gulargambone Flying Ahead program
Coonamble Shire Council has been supportive of the Gulargambone Flying Ahead program and has provided financial assistance for many of the projects.

10. View the before and after photos in 4.24. Describe the changes that have taken place to renew and renovate this area.
In the before and after photos we can see many good changes. The before picture shows a very dull and boring building and has a feeling that it is unsafe to enter. The after photo looks more modern and cleaning and feels safer to enter.

11. In a paragraph discuss the importance of active citizenship in small communities like Gulargambone.
Active citizenship is very important to small communities such as Gulargambone because it gives them the right to do more things. These things include:
• all individuals and groups have the right to engage in the creation and re-creation of that democratic society
• have the right to participate in all of the democratic practices and institutions within that society
• Have the responsibility to ensure a broad definition of the political includes all relationships and structures throughout the social arrangement.

12. Read the news article?
a) The article is about how Gulargambone has become what it is now
b) According to the writer the causes of decline in Gulargambone is the collapse of their economy and the ravages of the drought
c) The impacts of the decline include the collapse of business as shops, banks, petrol stations and other services were removed and closed down.
d) The thing that caused the community to galvanise into action was the post office came under threat of closure.
e) The post office is so important because it would take a two-hour drive to get there
f) The some of the projects the community has completed includes:
• A town logo
• Constructed sculptures that now line the highway and the streets
• Restoration of the town’s old picture theatre

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