Monday, September 5, 2011

Go Back to Where You Came From Reflection

• What is your initial reaction to the show?
I’m very shocked about how refugees have to go through to come to Australia. I believe Australia should let in these refugees as they are only trying to survive. After watching this documentary, I realise how fortunate I am that I was born in Australia and that I don’t have to go through what the refugees have to go through.

Take this Quiz:

• What percentage of immigrants are refugees?
There are around 81,000 refugees that have been resettled annually around the world

• Why does such a small number of people make for such a big deal both politically and in the media? (Give your opinion)

• Where does Australia rank among countries accepting refugees?
Australia is ranked 18 amongst the countries accepting refugees.

• To what extent do we have an obligation to help other people suffering in the world? (your opinion)
The refugees should have a better life in the as they work incredible hard to get to safe countries like Australia. Even though the refugees are illegally entering countries, they are only trying to survive and have a better life.

• How much extra support do refugees receive in comparison to other Australian citizens?
They receive no extra support or compassion than Australians do

• How many Asian nations have signed the UN Refugee Convention?
11 Asian countries have signed the UN Refugee Convention

• Why is it important to note that Malaysia has not signed the UN Refugee Convention? What does this mean for refugees in Malaysia?
Malaysia has not signed the UN Refugee Convention because Malaysia does not recognise the rights of the refugees as defined in the convention. This means that refugees will be treated differently in Malaysia than other countries.

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