Sunday, September 11, 2011

pg 113: 1-6 8-11 (9A2 - Due Wed 14/9) (9B2 - Due Mon 12/9)

1) How does drought affect rural communities?
hardship for agricultural population which has an effect on businesses and jobs, increased welfare dependency

2) What was a consequence of the soldier settler blocks being sold?
more farms available but there are less farms actually running

3) What three main factors have caused a decline in agriculture?
The three main factors that have caused a decline in agriculture is The soldiers settler blocks being sold, collapse in the wool industry, rising costs in the agricultural

4) How has mechanisation contributed to unemployment?
It has contributed to more advanced and more powerful machinery. This makes it a lot easier which means they don't need as many employees

5) How do lifestyle factors and better roads and tranpsort contribute to the decline in small country towns like Gulargambone?
the improvement in roads and cars it gives people better access to wider communities which means they are able to bypass smaller and more isolated towns such as Gulargambone. It is also easier to use particular services and facilities with entertainment in larger towns

6) Give three pieces of evidence or rural decline in Gulargambone?
1. People have left the town to search for employment and
2. education,
3. the age median

8) Refer to 4.12 Describe the trend in the population of Gulargame over the past 50 years
The population went down from 1954 to the mid 1960's, from then and on the population has been going up and down. From starting with a population of 900 people Gulargambone has lost 500 people.

9) Refer to 4.14 Describe the unusual shape of the population pyramid for Gulargambone. Suggest reasons for this shape.
The population is appeared in a pyramid as it makes it much easier to tell the population through all of the ages. The pyramid covers all the ages from 0-80.

10) Refer to 4.18
a. for the past 50 years, the enrollments of Gulargamobe at Central School has been declining.

11) The importance of active citizenship in small communities like Gulargambone

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