Wednesday, August 17, 2011

How has Australia changed in your life time?

Physical Change: Queensland floods, drought, cyclone, bushfire, Sydney Olympic Park
Socio-economic change: carbon tax, Mining Boom, Australian dollar, increased Toruism
Cultural Change: population growth, new prime minister, global warming, asylum seekers, increase of overweight people.

What are some of the ways that we can find out how Australia has changed in each of these categories? What research could we do to figure out how Australia has changed?

Queensland Floods:
One way we could find out how the Queensland floods has changed Queensland is by comparing pictures/videos of Queensland before the floods and comparing it to after the flood. The research we can conduct can include looking at different types of internet sites, such as Google maps and watching videos on the floods.

Population growth:
One way we can find out how this is changed is by conducting a census. This actually occurred recently. It is conducted every five years in which all members per house are accounted for by filling out a detailed questionnaire. Some of the questions ask refers to the person’s cultural background, socio-economic group, education statists.

Increase of overweight people:
One way we can find out the increase of overweight people is by counting the number of fast food restaurants in Australia in 1996, and comparing it to the number of fast food restaurants today. Another way we can find out about the increase of overweight people is by counting the number of overweight people in public hospitals in 1996 and comparing that number to the number of overweight people in public hospital’s nowadays. We can find this information by looking through various internet sites or getting statistics of overweight people at the public hospital.

For each of the THREE from above find an answer. Then write a paragraph about how you think the information you have found has led to change in Australia.

The Queensland flood has physically changed and this causes people from other states to become more helpful and concerned about their problem. People will join in communities to help clean up Queensland and donate goods to Queensland to help them with their problem. Because of the population growth, the government can review the Census and build more facilities that will fulfil people’s needs. The increase of overweight people has caused people to be concerned about their weight. More people are now going to the gym where they exercise to avoiding becoming overweight.

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