Saturday, June 18, 2011

Changing Australian Communities

Changing Australian Communities

1. What is a primary source when doing research? What is a secondary source? Which one is better? When do you use these types of sources?
Primary source is a term used to describe source material that is closest to the person, information, period or idea being studied.
A secondary source is a document or recording that relates or discusses information originally presented elsewhere.
The primary source is better as it is more reliable in researching and finding the correct information. You use these sources in subjects like history.

2. What is a primary source for finding population data for Australia? Why?
A primary source for finding population data for Australia would be the Australian Bureau of Statistics as it is a government website.

3. What is the population of Australia?
The population of Australia is about 22,640,229
4. What is the 'growth rate' of Australia for 2010?
The growth rate is 1.6 per cent growth
5. How many 'new' Australians were there in 2010?
It grew by 1.6%, 345000
6. How many of the 'new' Australians were born in Australia and how many are immigrants?

7. Which state had the greatest growth in population for 2010?
New South Wales

8. What changes have you noticed in your area that could be related to growth in population?
I’ve noticed that there are more Asians in my area which properly due to growth in population.

9. Is it good that Australia's population continues to grow?
It is not good as it means that Australia must increase our consumption of natural resources.

10. When, in history, has Australia NEEDED the population to grow? Why? Where did these people come from?

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