Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Year 9: Are we a racist nation?

Read this article and answer the questions below on you own blog:

1. Who is the author and what is his job title?
Author: Graeme Innes
Title: Are we a racist nation? No but…
2. Who does he work for and what is supposed to do in this job?
Graeme Innes works for the National Press Club and his job is to figure out if Australia is a racist country.
3. What does the author say is often the beginning of a racist comment? Have you every heard anyone use this line to say something racist? If so, what did they say?
What is often the beginning of a racist comment is 'i'm not racist but'... i have personally heard someone say those exact words, and a racist comment followed.
4. What percent of Australians are born overseas or have an overseas parent?
50 per cent
5. What is a 'monoculture'?
The cultivation of a single crop in a given area
6. What are some welcome benefits of online technology?
7. They also have connected the world's indigenous peoples, as well as ethnic minority groups, in a way they have never been connected before - to share stories, co-ordinate their work, and collectively organise.
8. What are some unwelcome results of online social media?
Some unwelcome benefits of online technology include race-hate websites and materials breeds and incites real world hatred.
9. What makes racism online so dangerous?
People can remain anonymous when posting a racist comment to hide their identity.
10. What will help stop racism online?
Anti-bullying campaigns, but government and social networking sites must come together to help.
11. What does the author suggest we need to do to stop racism?
The author suggests that we have to act together, without delay to remove racism and racial inequalities in all forms.

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