Sunday, March 13, 2011

Australia's natural resources

1. What are resources?
are any materials that can  be used by humans

2. Define renewable and non-renewable resources.
Renewable resources - resources that can be reproduced within a human lifetime
Non-renewable - resources that take thousands or even millions of years to form there fore cannot be reproduced within our lifetime.

3. Explain how renewable resource can become non-renewable.
Through over-exploitation

4. Why is soil a valuable resource?
Because it is the basis for Australia's successful agricultural industries.

5. What is silviculture?
the branch of forestry dealing with the development and care of forests

6. What is the area of forest in Australia?
Nearly 1.7 million square kilometres of forest

7. How valuable are Australia's fishing and aquaculture industries?
It is worth more than $2 billion dollars

8. Describe one measure put in place to protect a fish species.
Australian Fisheries Management Authority set a limit of 5265 tonnes for the southern blue fin tuna.

9. Which minerals does Australia have the largest reserves of in the world?
Bauxite, iron ore, lead, zinc, silver, uranium, industrial diamonds and mineral sands.

10. Why are Australia's mineral reserves increasing?
Because of improved prospecting and extraction technologies.

11. Refer to 1.54 to write a paragraph describing Australia's forest resources.

12. Explain why uranium is a valuable resource
Because it can be used for power generation and also for nuclear weapons.

13. Explain why World Heritage site are valuable resources.
Because it relects the enormous diversity and rich natural and cultural heritage

14.  How do you think uranium mining impacts on the landscape?
Uranium mining would impact on landscape as the scenery would ruin by ming fields

15. Describe the location of the Australian fishing grounds shown in 1.55
It is located all around Australia's coastline.

16. Refer to 1.59:
b) Beverly and Olympic Dam
c) Ranger


18. Refer to 1.60:
a) i. about 209 million dollars
ii. about 250 million
iii. about 550 million

b) about 385 million
c) the value of uranium exports is increasing every few years.

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