Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Australia's energy resources

 1. Name three non-renewable energy resources. 
Coal reserves, oil and natural gas

2. Name three renewable energy resources.
Solar power, wind power and hydro-electricity

3. Why is Australia looking to develop clean energy sources?
Because with increasing concern over the environment, and climate change Australia wants not to have serious negative impacts on the economy. Also, to save money.

4. List the top four coal producers in the world.
China, the united States, India and Australia

5. How large are Australia's coal reserves?
76 billion tonnes which will last 200 years at current production levels

6. How much natural gas does Australia have?
5 billion worth

7. Describe the solar power plant to be built near Mildura.
It will use technology developed to power satellites and consists of fields of mirrors. The Sun's energy will be concentrated using cells that produce 1500 times more energy than a typical rooftop solar panel.

8. How can electricity be generated by the wind?
Large turbines are turned by the wind, generating electricity.

9. Draw a table showing the advantages and disadvantages of the Starfish Hill wind farm.

Advantages of the Starfish Hill wind farm
Disadvantages of the Starfish Hill wind farm
Supplies 18000 households with their energy needs
The farm cost $65 million
Represents 2 per cent of South Australia’s residential customers
Scenery won’t look as good because of all the turbines everywhere
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by around two million tonnes
Turbines kill birds

10. All these types of energy sources are all clean.  All these energy sources are renewable so it will never run out. It will produce little or no waste products such as carbon dioxide or other chemical pollutants, so has minimal impact on the environment. These are really methods for energy however, these energy sources produce much less energy as for example fossil fuel generators. 

14. Refer to 1.63
a) i. 17 billion
ii. 6 billion
iii. 3.5 billion

b) i. 25 billion
ii. 7 billion
iii. 3 billion

c) coal

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