Monday, February 28, 2011

The Earthquake in NZ

The New Zealand 6.3 magnitude Earthquake hit Christchurch in the Canterbury region causing many damages to building and putting many lives at risk. The Earthquake was centred 2 kilometres west of the town of Lyttelton and 10 kilometres south-east of Christchurch which is the second most popular city in New Zealand.  The earthquake was caused by the disturbance of the plate tectonics in the Earth’s outer layer; New Zealand is located right on the convection currents.  The Earthquake has damaged many building such as the one below showing the Christchurch’s Pico Wholefood building which is now all ruined.

The Earthquake has caused the New Zealand dollar to drop more than 1 cent against the US dollar. Economists believe the damage bill will exceed the $NZ6 billion cost in September.

I feel very unfortunate for the people living in New Zealand. There are many people who trapped in collapsed buildings, which are severely injured or have lost their life, I feel terrible for them. Losing a home would be very heart-breaking and depressing and I would know how it would feel to be in that situation.
        This is one of the many shops that have been ruined by the Earthquake

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