Monday, February 21, 2011

Australia's Large Coastline

Write a blog post explaining the positive and negative aspects of Australia having a long coastline and large EEZ.

Positive aspects for having long coastline:
  • Tourist Attractions
  • Beautiful scenery
  • Safety from attack
  • Shipping access
Negative aspects for having long coastline:
  • Harder to travel
  • More expensive to travel 
  • Vulnerable to defend
  • Easily to get lost when surfing
Positive aspects for having large EEZ:

  • Great tourist attraction
  • Beautiful Scenery
  • Great sea life
Negative aspects for having large EEZ:

  • Further away from other countries meaning travel would be more expensive
  • It would take longer to travel to other countries
  • Shipping from other countries would take a long time 

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