Wednesday, October 26, 2011

7.3 Questions

7.3 Question

1. Name the three key geographical processes that shape the coastal environment.
The three key geographical processes that shape the coastal environment are erosion, transportation and deposition.

2. What is wave refraction and why does it occur?
Wave refraction causes the wave energy to be concentrated in particular areas and less intense in others. It occurs because wave energy is distributed evenly along the entire wave.

3. Use a diagram to explain how wave refection leads to the uneven distribution of wave energy along the coastline.

4. Name the most common erosional landforms found along the coastline.

The most common erosion landforms found along the coastline are around headlands.

5. Describe the three wave action processes that shape headlands.
The three wave action processes are hydraulic action, corrosion and corrosion

6. Explain the operation of the erosion-accretion cycle.

7. Name the three forces that shape depositional landforms on beaches

The three forces are wind, waves and prevailing ocean currents

8. Name the most common depositional landforms found along the coastline.
The most common depositional landform is beaches

9. Explain the process that forms coastal dunes. What role does vegetation play in their formation?
Coastal dunes are formed by the action of the wind. Once sand is deposited on the beach it is then subject to wind transportation. The wind blows the sand landward, which is then trapped by low-lying vegetation like coastal spinifex. The fore dune is a store of sand. It may be eroded away or it may continue to increase the size depending on wave and wind action.

10. Describe the process of longshore drift. What role does this process play in transporting sand along the coast?
Waves usually approach the coast at an angle. Once the waves break they start to lose their energy. As the swash travels up the beach it slows until the force of gravity causes it to travel directly back towards the ocean. The water will then be hit by the next wave and the process begins again.


12. What role does the fordune play in protecting coastal areas?
The fordune provides a buffer zone for the fragile dune vegetation located on the hind dunes

13. a) On the Great Ocean Road in Victoria
b) Because it is up to 20 million years old
c) They were created by the sea gradually eroding the soft limestone cliffs
d) It collapsed
e) No, because you cannot stop constant water hitting rocks

14. Describe the twelve apostles
The twelve apostles are up to 20 million years old. They were created by the sea gradually eroding the soft limestone cliffs. Eventually, theses rocks will collapse as the water will be constantly eroding the rock.

The local council has decided to buy back residential property located on a headland and a neighboring fordune that is subject to severe erosion. Local residents who own the property strongly disagree with the council as they believe it will deprive them of their spectacular views, relaxed lifestyle and valuable property. The council ignored the resident’s opinions and forced the residents to sell it. On 29th October 2011, the council bought the fordune. The council is trying is now trying recover the fordune from eroding and doing so successfully. Though, the residents aren’t happy.

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